
Attempt to load a molecular Hamiltonian with the given properties.

Main aliases

openfermion.chem.molecular_data.load_molecular_hamiltonian, openfermion.load_molecular_hamiltonian

geometry A list of tuples giving the coordinates of each atom. An example is [('H', (0, 0, 0)), ('H', (0, 0, 0.7414))]. Distances in angstrom. Use atomic symbols to specify atoms.
basis A string giving the basis set. An example is 'cc-pvtz'. Only optional if loading from file.
multiplicity An integer giving the spin multiplicity.
description A string giving a description.
n_active_electrons An optional integer specifying the number of electrons desired in the active space.
n_active_orbitals An optional integer specifying the number of spatial orbitals desired in the active space.

The Hamiltonian as an InteractionOperator.