
Convert two-body operator coefficients to low rank tensor.

Main aliases

openfermion.circuits.low_rank.get_chemist_two_body_coefficients, openfermion.get_chemist_two_body_coefficients

The input is a two-body fermionic Hamiltonian expressed as pqrshpqrsapaqaras

We will convert this to the chemistry convention expressing it as pqrsgpqrsapaqaras but without the spin degree of freedom.

In the process of performing this conversion, constants and one-body terms come out, which will be returned as well.

two_body_coefficients ndarray

an N x N x N x N numpy array giving the hpqrs tensor.

spin_basis bool

True if the two-body terms are passed in spin orbital basis. False if already in spatial orbital basis.

one_body_correction ndarray

an N x N array of floats giving coefficients of the apaq terms that come out.

chemist_two_body_coefficients ndarray

an N x N x N x N numpy array giving the gpqrs tensor in chemist notation.

TypeError Input must be two-body number conserving FermionOperator or InteractionOperator.