Module: cirq_google.engine

Client for running on Google's Quantum Engine.


abstract_engine module: Interface for Engine objects.

abstract_job module: A helper for jobs that have been created on the Quantum Engine.

abstract_local_engine module

abstract_local_job module: A helper for jobs that have been created on the Quantum Engine.

abstract_local_processor module

abstract_local_program module

abstract_processor module: Abstract interface for a quantum processor.

abstract_program module: An interface for quantum programs.

asyncio_executor module

calibration module: Calibration wrapper for calibrations returned from the Quantum Engine.

calibration_layer module

calibration_result module

calibration_to_noise_properties module: Tools for converting Calibrations to NoiseProperties.

engine module: Classes for running against Google's Quantum Cloud Service.

engine_client module

engine_job module: A helper for jobs that have been created on the Quantum Engine.

engine_processor module

engine_program module

engine_result module

engine_validator module

local_simulation_type module

processor_sampler module

runtime_estimator module: Utility functions to estimate runtime using Engine to execute circuits.

simulated_local_engine module: Classes for running against Google's Quantum Cloud Service.

simulated_local_job module: An implementation of AbstractJob that uses in-memory constructs and a provided sampler to execute circuits.

simulated_local_processor module

simulated_local_program module

stream_manager module

util module

validating_sampler module

virtual_engine_factory module: Functions to instantiate SimulatedLocalEngines to simulate various Google Devices.


class AbstractEngine: An abstract object representing a collection of quantum processors.

class AbstractJob: An abstract object representing a quantum job execution.

class AbstractLocalEngine: Collection of processors that can execute quantum jobs.

class AbstractLocalJob: A job that handles labels and descriptions locally in-memory.

class AbstractLocalProcessor: Partial implementation of AbstractProcessor using in-memory objects.

class AbstractLocalProgram: A quantum program designed for local in-memory computation.

class AbstractProcessor: An abstract interface for a quantum processor.

class AbstractProgram: An abstract object representing a quantum program.

class Calibration: A convenience wrapper for calibrations that acts like a dictionary.

class CalibrationLayer: Python implementation of the proto found in cirq_google.api.v2.calibration_pb2.FocusedCalibrationLayer for use in Engine calls.

class CalibrationResult: Python implementation of the proto found in cirq_google.api.v2.calibration_pb2.CalibrationLayerResult for use in Engine calls.

class Engine: Runs programs via the Quantum Engine API.

class EngineException: Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

class EngineJob: A job created via the Quantum Engine API.

class EngineProcessor: A processor available via the Quantum Engine API.

class EngineProgram: A program created via the Quantum Engine API.

class EngineResult: A ResultDict with additional job metadata.

class ProcessorSampler: A wrapper around AbstractProcessor to implement the cirq.Sampler interface.

class ProtoVersion: Protocol buffer version to use for requests to the quantum engine.

class SimulatedLocalEngine: Collection of processors backed by local samplers.

class SimulatedLocalJob: A quantum job backed by a (local) sampler.

class SimulatedLocalProcessor: A processor backed by a sampler and device.

class SimulatedLocalProgram: A program backed by a (local) sampler.

class ValidatingSampler: Something capable of sampling quantum circuits. Simulator or hardware.


create_default_noisy_quantum_virtual_machine(...): Creates a virtual engine with a noisy simulator based on a processor id.

create_device_from_processor_id(...): Generates a cirq.Device for a given processor ID.

create_noiseless_virtual_engine_from_device(...): Creates an Engine object with a single processor backed by a noiseless simulator.

create_noiseless_virtual_engine_from_latest_templates(...): Creates a noiseless virtual engine based on current templates.

create_noiseless_virtual_engine_from_proto(...): Creates a noiseless virtual engine object from a device specification proto.

create_noiseless_virtual_engine_from_templates(...): Creates a noiseless virtual engine object from a device specification template.

estimate_run_batch_time(...): Compute the estimated time for running a batch of programs.

estimate_run_sweep_time(...): Compute the estimated time for running a parameter sweep across a single Circuit.

estimate_run_time(...): Compute the estimated time for running a single circuit.

get_engine(...): Get an Engine instance assuming some sensible defaults.

get_engine_calibration(...): Returns calibration metrics for a given processor.

get_engine_device(...): Returns a Device object for a given processor.

get_engine_sampler(...): Get an EngineSampler assuming some sensible defaults.

load_median_device_calibration(...): Loads a median cirq_google.Calibration for the given device.

load_sample_device_zphase(...): Loads sample Z phase errors for the given device.

noise_properties_from_calibration(...): Translates between cirq_google.Calibration and NoiseProperties.