
Hardware metadata for ion trap device with all-connected qubits placed on a line.

qubits Iterable of cirq.LineQubits that exist on the device.
measurement_duration The maximum duration of a measurement.
twoq_gates_duration The maximum duration of a two qubit operation.
oneq_gates_duration The maximum duration of a single qubit operation.

gate_durations Get a dictionary of supported gate families and their gate operation durations.

Use duration_of to obtain duration of a specific cirq.GateOperation instance.

gateset Returns the cirq.Gateset of supported gates on this device.
measurement_duration Return the maximum duration of the measurement operation.
nx_graph Returns a nx.Graph where nodes are qubits and edges are couple-able qubits.
oneq_gates_duration Return the maximum duration of an operation on one-qubit gates.
qubit_set Returns the set of qubits on the device.
twoq_gates_duration Return the maximum duration of an operation on two-qubit gates.



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Return the maximum duration of the specified gate operation.

operation The cirq.Operation for which to determine its duration.

ValueError if the operation has an unsupported gate type.

