Plot the state histogram from either a single result with repetitions or a histogram computed using result.histogram()
or a flattened histogram of measurement results computed using get_state_histogram
data: Union['result.Result', collections.Counter, Sequence[SupportsFloat]],
ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None,
tick_label: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
xlabel: Optional[str] = 'qubit state',
ylabel: Optional[str] = 'result count',
title: Optional[str] = 'Result State Histogram'
) -> plt.Axes
Used in the notebooks
Args |
The histogram values to plot. Possible options are:
result.Result : Histogram is computed using
get_state_histogram and all 2 ** num_qubits values are
plotted, including 0s.
collections.Counter : Only (key, value) pairs present in
collection are plotted.
Sequence[SupportsFloat] : Values in the input sequence are
plotted. i'th entry corresponds to height of the i'th
bar in histogram.
The Axes to plot on. If not given, a new figure is created,
plotted on, and shown.
Tick labels for the histogram plot in case input is not
collections.Counter . By default, label for i'th entry
is |i>.
Label for the x-axis.
Label for the y-axis.
Title of the plot.
Returns |
The axis that was plotted on.