Module: cirq_google

Classes for working with Google's Quantum Engine API.


api module: Helpers for converting to/from api data formats.

cloud module: Protocol buffers and generated client for Quantum Engine API.

devices module: Devices and Noise models for publicly known Google devices.

engine module: Client for running on Google's Quantum Engine.

experimental module: Experimental features.

json_resolver_cache module: Module for use in exporting cirq-google objects in JSON.

line module: Utilities for picking out a line of GridQubits from a device.

ops module: Qubit Gates, Operations, and Tags useful for Google devices.

serialization module: Classes for serializing circuits into protocol buffers.

study module: Classes for running sweeps particular to Google hardware.

transformers module: Transformers for compiling to Google-specific gates, such as Sycamore.

workflow module: Utilities for running end-to-end experiments using Quantum Computing Service (QCS).


class AnnealSequenceSearchStrategy: Linearized sequence search using simulated annealing method.

class BitstringsMeasurement: Use in-circuit MeasurementGate to collect many repetitions of strings of bits.

class Calibration: A convenience wrapper for calibrations that acts like a dictionary.

class CalibrationLayer: Python implementation of the proto found in cirq_google.api.v2.calibration_pb2.FocusedCalibrationLayer for use in Engine calls.

class CalibrationResult: Python implementation of the proto found in cirq_google.api.v2.calibration_pb2.CalibrationLayerResult for use in Engine calls.

class CalibrationTag: Tag to add onto an Operation that specifies alternate parameters.

class CircuitOpDeserializer: Describes how to serialize CircuitOperations.

class CircuitOpSerializer: Describes how to serialize CircuitOperations.

class CircuitSerializer: A class for serializing and deserializing programs and operations.

class CouldNotPlaceError: Raised if a problem topology could not be placed on a device graph.

class Engine: Runs programs via the Quantum Engine API.

class EngineJob: A job created via the Quantum Engine API.

class EngineProcessor: A processor available via the Quantum Engine API.

class EngineProcessorRecord: A serializable record of processor_id to map to a cg.EngineProcessor.

class EngineProgram: A program created via the Quantum Engine API.

class EngineResult: A ResultDict with additional job metadata.

class ExecutableGroupResult: Results for a cg.QuantumExecutableGroup.

class ExecutableGroupResultFilesystemRecord: Filename references to the constituent parts of a cg.ExecutableGroupResult.

class ExecutableResult: Results for a cg.QuantumExecutable.

class ExecutableSpec: Specification metadata about an executable.

class FSimGateFamily: GateFamily useful to convert/accept cirq.FSimGate and other related gate types.

class FSimViaModelTag: A tag class to denote FSim gate implementation using polynomial model.

class GoogleCZTargetGateset: cirq.CZTargetGateset implementation tailored to Google devices.

class GoogleNoiseProperties: Noise-defining properties for a Google device.

class GreedySequenceSearchStrategy: Greedy search method for linear sequence of qubits on a chip.

class GridDevice: Device object representing Google devices with a grid qubit layout.

class HardcodedQubitPlacer

class InternalGate: InternalGate is a placeholder gate for internal gates.

class KeyValueExecutableSpec: A generic executable spec whose metadata is a list of key-value pairs.

class LinePlacementStrategy: Choice and options for the line placement calculation method.

class NaiveQubitPlacer: Don't do any qubit placement, use circuit qubits.

class NoiseModelFromGoogleNoiseProperties: A noise model defined from noise properties of a Google device.

class PhysicalZTag: Class to add as a tag onto an Operation to denote a Physical Z operation.

class ProcessorRecord: A serializable record that maps to a particular cg.engine.AbstractProcessor.

class ProcessorSampler: A wrapper around AbstractProcessor to implement the cirq.Sampler interface.

class ProtoVersion: Protocol buffer version to use for requests to the quantum engine.

class QuantumExecutable: An executable quantum program.

class QuantumExecutableGroup: A collection of QuantumExecutables.

class QuantumRuntimeConfiguration: User-requested configuration of how to execute a given cg.QuantumExecutableGroup.

class QubitPlacer

class RandomDevicePlacer

class RuntimeInfo: Runtime information relevant to a particular cg.QuantumExecutable.

class Serializer: Interface for serialization.

class SharedRuntimeInfo: Runtime information common to all cg.QuantumExecutables in an execution of a cg.QuantumExecutableGroup.

class SimulatedProcessorRecord: A serializable record mapping a processor_id and optional noise spec to a simulator-backed mock of cg.AbstractProcessor.

class SimulatedProcessorWithLocalDeviceRecord: A serializable record mapping a processor_id and optional noise spec to a completely local cg.AbstractProcessor

class SycamoreGate: The Sycamore gate is a two-qubit gate equivalent to FSimGate(π/2, π/6).

class SycamoreTargetGateset: Target gateset containing Sycamore + single qubit rotations + Measurement gates.

class ValidatingSampler: Something capable of sampling quantum circuits. Simulator or hardware.


SYC(...): The Sycamore gate is a two-qubit gate equivalent to FSimGate(π/2, π/6).

arg_from_proto(...): Extracts a python value from an argument value proto.

execute(...): Execute a cg.QuantumExecutableGroup according to a cg.QuantumRuntimeConfiguration.

get_engine(...): Get an Engine instance assuming some sensible defaults.

get_engine_calibration(...): Returns calibration metrics for a given processor.

get_engine_device(...): Returns a Device object for a given processor.

get_engine_sampler(...): Get an EngineSampler assuming some sensible defaults.

known_2q_op_to_sycamore_operations(...): Synthesizes a known two-qubit operation using cirq_google.SYC + single qubit rotations.

line_on_device(...): Searches for linear sequence of qubits on device.

noise_properties_from_calibration(...): Translates between cirq_google.Calibration and NoiseProperties.

two_qubit_matrix_to_sycamore_operations(...): Decomposes a two-qubit unitary matrix into cirq_google.SYC + single qubit rotations.

CIRCUIT_SERIALIZER Instance of cirq_google.serialization.CircuitSerializer
Sycamore Instance of cirq_google.devices.GridDevice
Sycamore23 Instance of cirq_google.devices.GridDevice
version '1.4.1'