
An executable quantum program.

This serves a similar purpose to cirq.Circuit with some key differences. First, a quantum executable contains all the relevant context for execution including parameters as well as the desired number of repetitions. Second, this object is immutable. Finally, there are optional fields enabling a higher level of abstraction for certain aspects of the executable.

circuit The circuit. This will be frozen before being set as an attribute.
measurement A description of the measurement properties or process.
params A cirq.ParamResolverOrSimilarType which will be frozen into a tuple of key value pairs.
spec Specification metadata about this executable that is not used by the quantum runtime, but is persisted in result objects to associate executables with results.
problem_topology Description of the multiqubit gate topology present in the circuit. If not specified, the circuit must be compatible with the device topology.
initial_state How to initialize the quantum system before running circuit. If not specified, the device will be initialized into the all-zeros state.

circuit A cirq.Circuit describing the quantum operations to execute.
measurement A description of the measurement properties or process.
params An immutable cirq.ParamResolver (or similar type). It's representation is normalized to a tuple of key value pairs.
spec Optional cg.ExecutableSpec containing metadata about this executable that is not used by the quantum runtime, but will be forwarded to all downstream result objects.
problem_topology Optional cirq.NamedTopology instance specifying the topology of the circuit. This is useful when optimizing on-device layout. If none is provided we assume circuit already has a valid on-device layout.
initial_state A cirq.ProductState specifying the desired initial state before executing circuit. If not specified, default to the all-zeros state.



Return self==value.

initial_state None
params None
problem_topology None
spec None