Write a JSON file containing a representation of obj.
obj: Any,
file_or_fn: Union[None, IO, pathlib.Path, str] = None,
indent: Optional[int] = 2,
separators: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None,
cls: Type[json.JSONEncoder] = CirqEncoder
) -> Optional[str]
Used in the notebooks
The object may be a cirq object or have data members that are cirq
objects which implement the SupportsJSON protocol.
Args |
An object which can be serialized to a JSON representation.
A filename (if a string or pathlib.Path ) to write to, or
an IO object (such as a file or buffer) to write to, or None to
indicate that the method should return the JSON text as its result.
Defaults to None .
Pretty-print the resulting file with this indent level.
Passed to json.dump.
Passed to json.dump; key-value pairs delimiters defined as
(item_separator, key_separators) tuple. Note that any non-standard
operators (':', ',') will cause read_json to fail.
Passed to json.dump; the default value of CirqEncoder
enables the serialization of Cirq objects which implement
the SupportsJSON protocol. To support serialization of 3rd
party classes, prefer adding the _json_dict_ magic method
to your classes rather than overriding this default.