
Collection of processors that can execute quantum jobs.

Inherits From: AbstractEngine

Main aliases


This class assumes that all processors are local. Processors are given during initialization. Program and job querying functionality is done by serially querying all child processors.



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Returns an EngineProcessor for a Quantum Engine processor.

processor_id The processor unique identifier.

A EngineProcessor for the processor.


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Returns an existing AbstractProgram given an identifier.

Iteratively checks each processor for the given id.

program_id Unique ID of the program within the parent project.

An AbstractProgram for the program.

KeyError if program does not exist


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Returns a sampler backed by the engine.

processor_id String identifier, or list of string identifiers, determining which processors may be used when sampling.

ValueError if multiple processor ids are given.


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Returns the list of jobs in the project.

All historical jobs can be retrieved using this method and filtering options are available too, to narrow down the search baesd on:

  • creation time
  • job labels
  • execution states

created_after retrieve jobs that were created after this date or time.
created_before retrieve jobs that were created after this date or time.
has_labels retrieve jobs that have labels on them specified by this dict. If the value is set to *, filters having the label regardless of the label value will be filtered. For example, to query programs that have the shape label and have the color label with value red can be queried using

{'color': 'red', 'shape':'*'}

execution_states retrieve jobs that have an execution state that is contained in execution_states. See quantum.ExecutionStatus.State enum for accepted values.


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Returns a list of Processors that the user has visibility to in the current Engine project. The names of these processors are used to identify devices when scheduling jobs and gathering calibration metrics.

A list of EngineProcessors to access status, device and calibration information.


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Returns a list of previously executed quantum programs.

created_after retrieve programs that were created after this date or time.
created_before retrieve programs that were created after this date or time.
has_labels retrieve programs that have labels on them specified by this dict. If the value is set to *, filters having the label regardless of the label value will be filtered. For example, to query programs that have the shape label and have the color label with value red can be queried using {'color: red', 'shape:*'}