
A program created via the Quantum Engine API.

Inherits From: AbstractProgram

This program wraps a Circuit with additional metadata used to schedule against the devices managed by Quantum Engine.

project_id A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
program_id Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
context Engine configuration and context to use.
_program The optional current program state.

project_id A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
program_id Unique ID of the program within the parent project.



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Adds new labels to a previously created quantum program.

labels New labels to add to the existing program labels.

This EngineProgram.


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Adds new labels to a previously created quantum program.

labels New labels to add to the existing program labels.

This EngineProgram.


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Returns the number of programs in a batch program.

ValueError if the program created was not a batch program.


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Returns the number of programs in a batch program.

ValueError if the program created was not a batch program.


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Returns when the program was created.


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Deletes a previously created quantum program.

delete_jobs If True will delete all the program's jobs, other this will fail if the program contains any jobs.


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Deletes a previously created quantum program.

delete_jobs If True will delete all the program's jobs, other this will fail if the program contains any jobs.


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Deletes the job and result, if any.


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Deletes the job and result, if any.


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Returns the description of the program.


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Returns the parent Engine object.

The program's parent Engine.


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Returns the cirq Circuit for the Quantum Engine program. This is only supported if the program was created with the V2 protos.

The program's cirq Circuit.


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Returns the cirq Circuit for the Quantum Engine program. This is only supported if the program was created with the V2 protos.

The program's cirq Circuit.


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Returns an EngineJob for an existing Quantum Engine job.

job_id Unique ID of the job within the parent program.

A EngineJob for the job.


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Returns the labels of the program.


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Returns the list of jobs for this program.

project_id A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
program_id Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
created_after retrieve jobs that were created after this date or time.
created_before retrieve jobs that were created after this date or time.
has_labels retrieve jobs that have labels on them specified by this dict. If the value is set to *, filters having the label regardless of the label value will be filtered. For example, to query programs that have the shape label and have the color label with value red can be queried using

{'color': 'red', 'shape':'*'}

execution_states retrieve jobs that have an execution state that is contained in execution_states. See quantum.ExecutionStatus.State enum for accepted values.


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Returns the list of jobs for this program.

project_id A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
program_id Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
created_after retrieve jobs that were created after this date or time.
created_before retrieve jobs that were created after this date or time.
has_labels retrieve jobs that have labels on them specified by this dict. If the value is set to *, filters having the label regardless of the label value will be filtered. For example, to query programs that have the shape label and have the color label with value red can be queried using

{'color': 'red', 'shape':'*'}

execution_states retrieve jobs that have an execution state that is contained in execution_states. See quantum.ExecutionStatus.State enum for accepted values.


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Removes labels with given keys from the labels of a previously created quantum program.

label_keys Label keys to remove from the existing program labels.

This EngineProgram.


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Removes labels with given keys from the labels of a previously created quantum program.

label_keys Label keys to remove from the existing program labels.

This EngineProgram.


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Runs the supplied Circuit via Quantum Engine.

job_id Optional job id to use. If this is not provided, a random id of the format 'job-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
param_resolver Parameters to run with the program.
repetitions The number of repetitions to simulate.
description An optional description to set on the job.
labels Optional set of labels to set on the job.
processor_id Processor id for running the program.
run_name A unique identifier representing an automation run for the specified processor. An Automation Run contains a collection of device configurations for a processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.
device_config_name An identifier used to select the processor configuration utilized to run the job. A configuration identifies the set of available qubits, couplers, and supported gates in the processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.

A single Result for this run.

ValueError If a processor id hasn't been specified to run the job
ValueError If only one of run_name and device_config_name are specified.
ValueError If either run_name and device_config_name are set but processor_id is empty.


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Runs the supplied Circuit via Quantum Engine.

job_id Optional job id to use. If this is not provided, a random id of the format 'job-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
param_resolver Parameters to run with the program.
repetitions The number of repetitions to simulate.
description An optional description to set on the job.
labels Optional set of labels to set on the job.
processor_id Processor id for running the program.
run_name A unique identifier representing an automation run for the specified processor. An Automation Run contains a collection of device configurations for a processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.
device_config_name An identifier used to select the processor configuration utilized to run the job. A configuration identifies the set of available qubits, couplers, and supported gates in the processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.

A single Result for this run.

ValueError If a processor id hasn't been specified to run the job
ValueError If only one of run_name and device_config_name are specified.
ValueError If either run_name and device_config_name are set but processor_id is empty.


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Runs the program on the QuantumEngine.

In contrast to run, this runs across multiple parameter sweeps, and does not block until a result is returned.

job_id Optional job id to use. If this is not provided, a random id of the format 'job-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
params Parameters to run with the program.
repetitions The number of circuit repetitions to run.
description An optional description to set on the job.
labels Optional set of labels to set on the job.
processor_id Processor id for running the program.
run_name A unique identifier representing an automation run for the specified processor. An Automation Run contains a collection of device configurations for a processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.
device_config_name An identifier used to select the processor configuration utilized to run the job. A configuration identifies the set of available qubits, couplers, and supported gates in the processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.

An EngineJob. If this is iterated over it returns a list of TrialResults, one for each parameter sweep.

ValueError If a processor id hasn't been specified to run the job
ValueError If only one of run_name and device_config_name are specified.
ValueError If either run_name and device_config_name are set but processor_id is empty.


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Runs the program on the QuantumEngine.

In contrast to run, this runs across multiple parameter sweeps, and does not block until a result is returned.

job_id Optional job id to use. If this is not provided, a random id of the format 'job-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
params Parameters to run with the program.
repetitions The number of circuit repetitions to run.
description An optional description to set on the job.
labels Optional set of labels to set on the job.
processor_id Processor id for running the program.
run_name A unique identifier representing an automation run for the specified processor. An Automation Run contains a collection of device configurations for a processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.
device_config_name An identifier used to select the processor configuration utilized to run the job. A configuration identifies the set of available qubits, couplers, and supported gates in the processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.

An EngineJob. If this is iterated over it returns a list of TrialResults, one for each parameter sweep.

ValueError If a processor id hasn't been specified to run the job
ValueError If only one of run_name and device_config_name are specified.
ValueError If either run_name and device_config_name are set but processor_id is empty.


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Sets the description of the program.

description The new description for the program.

This EngineProgram.


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Sets the description of the program.

description The new description for the program.

This EngineProgram.


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Sets (overwriting) the labels for a previously created quantum program.

labels The entire set of new program labels.

This EngineProgram.


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Sets (overwriting) the labels for a previously created quantum program.

labels The entire set of new program labels.

This EngineProgram.


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Returns when the program was last updated.